Africa Inland Mission

Posted: 02-07-2019 - 22:19.

Africa Inland Mission

Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a missionary organisation with over 100 years of experience in Africa. It was founded in 1895 and works on the continent of Africa and the isles in the Indian Ocean (including Madagascar). AIM is an evangelical, non-denominational organisation: missionaries come from a wide variety of church backgrounds.

AIM’s stated mission is to see Christ-centered churches among all African peoples. The goal is to introduce those who have never heard to the One who died to save them – Jesus Christ. AIM seeks to help new believers to grow strong and healthy in their faith and to see new believers enfolded in a maturing church. AIM aims to invest in the lives of current and future church leaders so they can effectively affect the lives of others who can in turn reach out to the vast population of Africa and beyond.

From it’s very beginning, AIM has sought to work alongside local churches and local believers – if existing. AIM has succeeded to gain the trust of the people served through the perseverance and morality of its workers. Today, AIM still seeks to work together with local churches and believers. As an illustration: there are several teams with African team leaders.

AIM works in several countries, as shown below. Madagascar, where we hope to serve, is part of Southern Region. Would you like to learn more? Then visit AIM Europe’s website.

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